Thursday, June 28, 2012

LAST CHANCE!!!! Win a photoshoot worth $399.00 for only $10.00

This is your LAST chance to enter to win a photoshoot worth $399.00, by purchasing a raffle ticket for only $10.00.  All proceeds go to help the family of my dear friend Gloria Honomichl who recently passed away.  Tickets and can be purchased through ChipIn.

My friend Gloria Honomichl passed away today (May 24, 2012) 

She was surrounded by her family. I will cherish the time we taught pre-school together, and her devoted time to teaching my daughter piano for the last 4 years. My prayers are with her family.

My auction for this family is still going through the end of June. This family is going to need all the help they can get. If you feel so inclined to enter/donate you can do so here: read more about her story below.

Lots of love and hugs to the Honomichl family!

Dear Family, Friends, and Fans,

Once again I am doing a RAFFLE for a photoshoot worth $399.00!  Tickets are $10.00 per ticket and can be purchased through ChipIn (click on link or see widget on my side bar).  All proceeds go to my dear friend Gloria H. who has been diagnosed with Grade 3, Stage 4, Uterine Sarcoma Cancer.     

My goal is to raise $1000.00 to help her family pay for medical bills. 

Gloria’s story….

Her story begins back in 2004 when her husband was stricken with brain cancer. He is on disability and has been out of work for the last 4 years. Unfortunately, he still struggles mentally and physically. Gloria has since taken over most of his responsibilities, along with her own. She has been working for Access Technologies Solutions and teaching piano. 

Gloria has 8 children and 8 grandchildren. Four children are still living at home.  Her son, age 11, is the youngest.

Gloria has always been a very healthy and active woman. But on August 1, 2011 she was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. The doctor told her that the fibroids were not cancerous, but that she would need a hysterectomy. Because her medical insurance would not kick in until May 2, 2012, and the fibroids were not cancerous, surgery would not be covered by insurance. As a result, she waited. Patiently she endured as the pain got worse and she continued to get weaker. Her doctor and his staff continued to tell her that she would feel better after the surgery.

In the meantime, she continued to work. She also helped her daughter get ready to go on a mission to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In January Gloria decided to try and raise the money for the hysterectomy on her own. She figured she would need to come up with about $16,000.00 – an overwhelming sum of money. She knew that would be a difficult task and so she continued to wait for the insurance to kick in. 

By March 1, 2012 she was so weak that she did not think she would be able to make it. Her daughters asked her to make an appointment with the doctor. He saw her almost one month later and immediately diagnosed her with cancer. On April 2, 2012, just 4 days after the appointment with the doctor, she went in for surgery.  The surgeons removed 4 ½ pounds of cancer from her body.  Although 90% of the cancer had been removed, she still required chemotherapy. Her insurance has refused to pay any of the costs of surgery or chemotherapy.

After the surgery, Gloria spent 2 day in the ICU and 15 additional days in a tiny hospital room. Family and friends came streaming in to visit her. She said the outpouring of love was amazing. Family and friends came together to support her and her family during this very difficult time She is so grateful for the support and recognizes all the blessings in her life. 

Gloria was tired of staring at the 4 white walls of her tiny room.  It was monotonous, especially for an active woman used to living in a big space with lots of family and children around. After 17 day in the hospital she was happy to be home.

She needed to gain strength before she could start chemotherapy. However, on April 28, 2012 she had a mild stroke. Luckily, her speech has improved and her hand movement has gotten better.  She said it was so frustrating because at first she had to think about how to say things, yet the words still would not come out the way she wanted.  Her friend gave her walker which has helped her get around.  She says (with a smile), “My 11 year old loves it too.”

Gloria says she is so proud of her children!

When I asked her what she misses the most she said, “I miss being independent. I miss taking care of things and just doing what a mom does everyday. I have not been upstairs to see my laundry room…I’m a little worried about what it looks like (with a little laugh). After the stroke, and not having the hand movement, I thought how will I play the piano?” Now that her hand movement has gotten better she says playing the piano would probably be a good way to continue to strengthen her hands.

I asked her what she worries about most. She says her children, particularly her two youngest (ages 14 and 11). She wants to be around to see her children reach important milestones in their lives. 

Not only is this woman very talented, she is also so strong. Although it has been hard for her to lose some of her independence, she has come to realize how important it is to allow others to serve her. I am so glad to have her as a friend.   

Right now Gloria is trying hard to gain her strength. With chemotherapy, the doctor estimates she could live an additional 6 months to 2 years. The cancer has moved into her lungs but she says, “I am not ready to give up!”

In the mean time medical expenses are becoming a burden. Medication, hospital stays, ER visits, and surgery have added up. For example, she received 4 shots—each cost $700.00.

Also, don’t forget to “Chip-In” by purchasing a raffle ticket for a photoshoot worth $399.00.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mark and Jensenne Mitchener

So glad I could be with the both of you today.  Congratulations! 

Monday, June 11, 2012


I did it!!!!! My knee (IT Band) was done at mile 7, walk ran to mile 9, walked 3, limped/jogged the last 1.....thank you Shelley Anne Paulson for running/limping me in to the finish I was in so much pain I could not have done it without you. Thank you Lori White Thurman for giving me a pep talk I was so deflated at that moment you lifted my spirits. Knee buckled as soon as I stopped at the iced at the first aid station. Grateful for the family support. Grateful I finished!!!! I am proud of myself for working so hard and training. A very special thanks to my running partner Brooke Frost.  So many life lessons in sports.  I think mine was to keep moving forward, and endure to the end. 

Now I am taking a break so I can heal. - Aynn Thurman   

"Running is a physical, daily reminder to me that I am strong enough to do hard things."
Best article on running ever!  This is completely how I feel about running.

Comments from family and friends:

  • Maria Mellinger congratulations!!! Hope you took pictures, can't wait to see them. :)

  • Natalie Huff Parke Congrats! It was fun running with you!

  • Kate Coffey Congratulations rock star!

  • Louisa Meyer Heiny You rock!

  • Kirsten Gorski You are awesome!

  • Aynn Ford Thurman I did it!!!!! My knee was done at mile 7, walk ran to mile 9, walked 3 ran the last.....thank you Shelley Anne Paulson for running me in to the finish I was in so much pain I could not have done it without you. Thank you Lori White Thurman for giving me a pep talk I was so deflated at that moment you lifted my spirits. Knee buckled as soon as I stopped at the is lots of ice. Grateful for the family support. Grateful I finished!!!! I am proud of myself for working so hard and training. A very special thanks for my running partner Brooke Frost.  
    I know I am going to be disappointed with my time because of my injury but I guess my personal best will be easier to come by next time.

  • Shelley Anne Paulson We are so proud of you Aynn! Way to go!

  • Aynn Ford Thurman Thank you everyone for your kind words and support!

  • Lynn DeKay Thurman Congrats, Aynn, All your hard work has paid off. Now, when is the next one?

  • Brooke Frost You did so great. So proud of you. Happy we got to go on this little journey together...but I am looking forward to styaing in my bed tomorrow morning instead of being dropped off in a dark, cold canyon at 0-dark thirty by Chad Frost!

  • Sonya Guerrero Congratulations you super fit lady! So proud of you xxx

  • Heidi Rote Im so proud of you!!

  • Melinda Ann Francks That is an awesome accomplishment!!

  • Carrilyne Chord Jaynes Aynn, you are amazing! I am so happy for you to finish your first half! Take care of your knee, the next one will be easier!

  • Crystal Zarate Alfaro I forgot to congratulate you! Great job!

     Aynn Ford Thurman Some 3,000 people catching a bus at 4:30 am that is just for the 1/2.  The bus just kept driving and driving. I thought maybe he got lost. Into the deep dark woods we went. Thank goodness we don't be doing this again tomorrow as you said Brooke Frost!

She's super sweet and so much fun. This little girl just turned ONE!!!

Kate is 8!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sienna Jane - 1st Birthday

I love creating a story.....I get a vision and then just have to create it.  I am glad I could create this magical moment for your daughters 1st birthday photos Shelley.
H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y beautiful  
Sienna Jane!  
Love, Aunt Aynn